Sisters of The Bruce! A Brilliant Book Launch!

‘Sisters of The Bruce’ was launched last week to the skirl of the pipes, played by Campbell Ritchie, which attracted a crowd on the busy thoroughfare. Books@Stones promotes Australian authors and is located at Stones Corner in Brisbane. Thanks to the owner, Karen, for all her support and to family, friends and well-wishers who pitched in to make it a memorable night.

Guests enjoyed an array of tasty nibbles and  a  fine selection of reds from Pyramids Rd Winery on the Granite Belt. An interview by journalist, Andrew Fraser, with myself (author) took place and before long there were questions flying about the story and  its complex historical background. I particularly enjoyed the robust discussion about Scotland’s place in the medieval and modern world. With so much fun and laughter, It was indeed a brilliant book launch!


You’re invited to a Book Launch!

Just a few technical glitches so am resending this post…

After spending many years wandering the pathways of medieval Scotland, I fulfilled a personal dream and published my novel in late 2013.

For those who live in southeast Queensland, please join me in celebrating the launch of ‘Sisters of The Bruce’. You’ll hear the skirl of the pipes and maybe even win the Lucky Door prize of a bottle of single malt.

For my supporters and friends around the world, I hope you will raise a glass and toast the remarkable sisters of Scotland’s great hero.

When? 6pm Friday 21st February 2014

Where? Books@Stones – a book store at Shop1, 360 Logan Rd Stones Corner Brisbane

RSVP: Sunday 16th February 2014



The Competition – Win a Copy of ‘Sisters of The Bruce – is now closed!

Here is the answer to the last question “What does the word, ‘slaister’, mean in the Scots language?”

Roughly translated, it means – to mess about with water or liquids, to make a mess or be messy…

Thanks to all those who entered. And what a great response!

For those who answered the three questions correctly, your names will go into a hat.

Stay tuned to hear the name of the lucky winner of a signed copy of ‘Sisters of the Bruce’.



Some interesting reviews of ‘Sisters of The Bruce’!

Here are a couple of recent reviews posted on which I’d like to share with you.

Bluebell Polka This review is from: Sisters of the Bruce 1292-1314 (Kindle Edition)

This is a fine novel which for the first time (to my knowledge) projects the woman’s perspective in relation to the Scottish Wars of Independence. It was actually quite a shock to me to realise that there were five Bruce sisters, and that they had played such a central role in Bruce’s rise to the throne. There are scores of books about Robert and his brothers, as well as the political and military background to the struggle, but almost all previous books effectively diminish the Bruce women and cast them as victims or bystanders, which I am now prepared to admit was probably very far from the truth. It is not often that a novel enables one to see things from a different perspective — especially a topic as well known as this one. This book will appeal to all those who are interested in Scottish history or in re-evaluating the role of women in history for these sisters are active participants in this fact-based novel. The story is driven by historical events, but some of the characters are true to any age. It is also a book which has resonance in present-day Scotland, — although the complexity of relationships across borders is well portrayed in the novel. The device of telling stories through several narrators is one common to authors such as Jodi Picoult and enables this author to give a voice to all the Bruce sisters. I very much look forward to the next novel which I hope will allow the author to unveil further the characters’ stories.

 jimbo conk “jimbo conk” (Scotland) This review is from: Sisters of the Bruce 1292-1314 (Paperback)

I normally read historical novels mostly fact and some fiction and the Wars of Independence are my favourite period of history. History is normally written from the man’s perspective and rarely do we hear about history from the woman’s point of view. The most recent was Phillipa Gregory’s books about Elizabeth Woodville and Anne Neville which I admit I did not read the books but watched the TV series. This caught my attention because I had never considered how women were used as pawns by their families and no matter how high their status they were still chattels to be used and discarded. So when I got “The Sisters of the Bruce” I was hoping to get a different insight into a period I know well. I was not disappointed; the characters were believable and I felt the closeness between the younger Bruce siblings and their relationship with their parents fascinating. This is a well researched book and a dammed good read. Thanks to the author for extending my knowledge of the Bruces.
